Metallic chimney ducts and liners

Metallic chimney ducts and liners have the advantage of easy installation. The duct elements interlock into each other and are held together by an assembly collar.

Chimney ducts, insulated or not, allow the evacuation of flue gas from all heating systems.

Lining a duct consists of placing a metal tube inside the chimney duct, so that the flue gas does not come into contact with the chimney walls. Two types of liners are available: rigid and flexible. They are suitable for new ducts or ducts being renovated.


  • Easy installation
  • Suitable for all heating systems
  • Resistance to high temperatures
  • Sealing against combustion gas.

Compare to make the right choice

It is very easy to make the right choice: just compare the products. But when product performance is not certified, this becomes impossible.

Certification makes it possible to compare objectively.

  • The product performance is evaluated according to the same criteria, and the results are expressed in the same unit of measurement, regardless of the country where the products are manufactured or marketed.
  • A certified product has its performance verified by an impartial, independent and competent accredited body.
  • Certified products comply with standards.
  • A product whose performance is certified will work according to the specifications stated by the manufacturer.

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Thermal comfort for homes

Chimneys and Metal Linings
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