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Residential ventilation Eurovent

Rotary heat exchangers

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Model Leakage Airflow-Pressure-Power Efficiency Sound Cold Climate EU Regulation Description
Internal Leakage clas... Percentage Internal L... % External Leakage clas... Percentage External L... % Airflow-pressure cert... ptUd qv max m³/s ptUD/2 qv ref m³/s Pe ref W SPI W/(m³/h) Disbalance Ratio Nomi... %-point Temp. Ratio %-point Lw casing dB(A) Lw supply dB(A) Lw extract dB(A) Lw exhaust dB(A) Lw outdoor dB(A) Temp.Ratio@TOL %-point Disbalance ratio qv Cold m³/s Cold Climate (true/fa... SEC kWh/m².a SEC Class AEC kWh/annum AHS Average kWh/annum AHS Cold kWh/annum AHS Warm kWh/annum MISC CTRL x-value Filter class supply Filter class exhaust Software name Software version Factory city Factory country