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Residential ventilation Eurovent
Certification manual
Certification Manual
Technical Certification Rules


The Eurovent Certified Performance (ECP) programme scope for Residential Ventilation (RAHU) applies to mechanical supply and exhaust ventilation units used in a single dwelling, as defined in EN13141-7:2010:

  • Only units with heat recovery systems
  • Units with any type of heat recovery systems (including extract air / outdoor air heat pumps)
  • The maximum flow rate as defined in RS 15/C/001 do not exceed 1000 m³/h, or is between 250 and 1000 m³/h, and the manufacturer does not declare its intended use exclusively for a non-residential ventilation application.


When a company joins the programme, all relevant units presented on the European market shall be certified. However an applicant/participant has three years to comply with the certify-all principle when entering the programme or when a new heat-recovery type is manufactured or sold by the applicant/participant. For more information on the certify-all principle, see Chapter II.3 of the Certification Manual.


Residential ventilation systems can provide fresh air ventilation, humidity control and improve indoor air quality in domestic buildings. Best suited for use in average and cold climates, systems are available in numerous sizes, designs and mountings, for a range of residential applications.

Residential ventilation systems typically comprise of supply and exhaust fans, heat recovery exchanger, outdoor and exhaust air filters, and an integrated control system. Components are usually housed within a compact casing, and connected to a ductwork system.

In the residential ventilation system programme the following heat recovery types are considered:

  • Category I: Recuperative heat exchangers (e.g. air-to-air plate or tube heat exchanger) cross flow or counter flow
  • Category II: Regenerative heat exchangers (e.g. rotary or reciprocating heat exchanger)
  • Extract Air-to-Outdoor-Air heat pump for extract air heat recovery.

All heat recovery types are designed to pre-heat the supply air with waste heat from the return air.  Category I air-to-air plate or tube heat exchangers (recuperative heat exchangers) are designed to transfer thermal energy from one air stream to another, passively, without any moving parts. Category II air–to-air rotary heat exchangers, (regenerative heat exchangers), are designed to transfer thermal energy via a rotating cylinder or wheel. Extract air-to-outdoor air heat pumps are designed to transfer thermal energy from one air stream to another via a heat pump. Depending on the system and application, the recovered energy can also be used to heat hot water systems too.


While exploring our certified products you’ll come across a number of technical terms relating to certification. The below definitions help explain the search criteria in our certified product directory.

Brand name of the manufacturer.

Listing of models with some common features.

Model name.

Internal leakage class
Is the internal leakage class according to EN13141-7:2011. The classification goes from the best (A1, B1, or C1) to the worst (A3, B3, or C3).

Percentage internal leakage
Is the percent of air lost to internal leakage, according to EN13141-7:2011.

External leakage class
Is the external leakage class according to EN13141-7:2011. The classification goes from the best (A1, B1, or C1) to the worst (A3, B3, or C3).

Percentage external leakage
Is the percent of air lost to external leakage, according to EN13141-7:2011.

Airflow-pressure certified window
Is the URL providing the airflow / pressure curves.

Is the maximum flow reference pressure. It is the total unit pressure difference at which the maximum airflow rate is determined. Expressed at 100 Pa, unless declared otherwise by the manufacturer. 

qv max
Is the declared maximum air volume flowrate, measured in m3/s. It is the air volume flow corresponding to the declared total pressure difference (PtUd), of the unit at the maximum setting for standard air conditions (20 °C, 101325 Pa).

Is the total pressure difference at reference point on the supply side. It is the reference point defined at ptUd/2 and 70% of declared maximum air volume flow. If this point cannot be set, pressure shall remain at ptUd/2 and airflow shall be adjusted just over.

qv ref
Is the air volume flow rate at reference point on the supply side. Measured in m3/s.

Pe ref
Is the effective power input at reference point. Measured in W.

Is the specific electrical power input at reference point. Expressed as W/(m³/h).

Disbalance Ratio Nominal Condition
The disbalance ratio is calculated by the result in percentage of the difference (in absolute value), between extract airflow and supply air airflow at nominal conditions, divided by the maximum value between airflow extract or airflow supply.

Temp. Ratio
Is the temperature ratio at reference point on the supply air side at point 1. Measured in percentage.

Lw casing
Is the A-weighted sound power level at reference point radiated through the casing. Measured in dB(A).

Lw supply
Is the A-weighted sound power level at reference point in duct connections at the supply. Measured in dB(A).

Lw extract
Is the A-weighted sound power level at reference point in duct connections at the extract. Measured in dB(A).

Lw exhaust
Is the A-weighted sound power level at reference point in duct connections at the exhaust. Measured in dB(A).

Lw outdoor
Is the A-weighted sound power level at reference point in duct connections outdoor. Measured in dB(A).

Is the temperature ratio at reference point on the exhaust air side at -15oC. Measured in percentage.

Disbalance ratio
Is the disbalance ratio at Cold climate condition.

Qv Cold
Is the air volume flow rate at Cold climate condition. Measured in m3/s.

Cold climate (true / false)
A true or false result indicating if the unit is design to operate at an outdoor temperature below -15oC.

Is the Specific Energy Consumption for ventilation per m2 heated floor area of a dwelling or building. Expressed as kWh/m².a.

SEC class
Is the Specific Energy Consumption class. G is the lowest SEC class rating while A+ the highest. 

Is the Annual Electricity Consumption. Measured in kWh/annum.

AHS Average
Is the average climate Annual Heating Savings. Measured in kWh/annum.

AHS Cold
Is the cold climate Annual Heating Savings. Measured in kWh/annum.

AHS Warm
Is the warm climate Annual Heating Savings. Measured in kWh/annum.

Is the aggregated general typology factors for ventilation effectiveness, duct leakage and extra infiltration.

Is the Control Factor. It is the correction factor for the SEC calculation, depending on the type of control that is part of the ventilation system.

Is an exponent that takes into account non-linearity between thermal energy and electrical savings, depending on motor and drive characteristics. 

Filter class supply
Is the class of filter used in the supply, plus the percentage of particles it removes e.g. ISO ePM1 50%. Filter grades include:
•    ISO ePM1 for particles 0.3 micron to 1 micron in size
•    ISO ePM2.5 for particles 0.3 micron to 2.5 micron in size
•    ISO ePM10 for particles 0.3 micron to 10 micron in size.
•    ISO Coarse for particles 10 micron or larger.

Filter class exhaust
Is the class of filter used in the return, plus the percentage of particles it removes e.g. ISO coarse 60%.


Search for a certified residential ventilation system via our certified product directory.  


The following performance items are certified:

  • Airflow/pressure curves for supply and exhaust side, for air volume flowrates between 60% and 100% of the declared maximum air volume flowrate qv,max, and for total unit pressure difference equal or higher than 50 Pa, (or ptUd/2 if ptUd is different from 100 Pa)
  • Leakage class.

Airflow/Pressure/Power Input:

  • Maximum air volume flowrate (qv,max) 
  • Air volume flow rate at reference point on supply side
  • Effective power input at reference point (calculated from SPI and qv ref)
  • Specific electric Power Input at reference point
  • Imbalance ratio at nominal condition  (<3% or real value according EN13141-7 §6.3.2) 
  • Maximum flow reference pressure (ptUd)
  • Total pressure difference at reference point on supply side (ptUD/2).


  • Temperature ratio at reference point on supply air side at point 1 
  • COP at 20(12)°C indoor air and 7(6)°C outdoor air for reference point
  • COP at 20(12)°C indoor air and 2(1)°C outdoor air for reference point
  • COP at 20(12)°C indoor air and -7(-8)°C outdoor air for reference point 
  • EER at 20(12)°C indoor air and 35(24) outdoor air for reference point
  • EER at 27(19)°C indoor air and 27(19)°C outdoor air for reference point.

Acoustic performances:

  • A-weighted sound power level at reference point radiated through the casing
  • A-weighted sound power level at reference point in duct connections supply 
  • A-weighted sound power level at reference point in duct connections extract 
  • A-weighted sound power level at reference point in duct connections exhaust
  • A-weighted sound power level at reference point in duct connections outdoor.

Cold climate:

  • The unit runs at cold climate.

EU Regulation:

  • SEC 
  • SEC Class
  • AEC
  • AHS Average Climate: Annual Heating Savings for the average climate per 100 m² floor area
  • AHS Cold Climate : Annual Heating Savings for the cold climate per 100 m² floor area
  • AHS Warm Climate : Annual Heating Savings for the warm climate per 100 m² floor area.

Search for a certified products in our Residential Ventilation Eurovent programme via our certified product directory.

Find out how to apply for the Residential Ventilation Eurovent programme.

💡 Good to know

Note that when using the Advanced Search Criteria function you can search via maximum air volume flowrate (qv max), heat recovery efficiency (temperature ratio), sound power level in supply duct, specific energy consumption (SEC), specific energy consumption class (SEC class), annual energy consumption (AEC) and annual heating savings for the average climate (AHS average).

Search for a certified products in our Residential Ventilation Eurovent programme