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Air ducts
Certification manual
Certification Manual
Technical Certification Rules

Scope of the programme

The Eurovent Certified Performance (ECP) programme scope for Air Ducts (DUCT) covers rigid and semi-rigid ventilation ductwork systems divided into the following sub-programmes:

Each sub-programme applies to ductwork systems fitted with integrated sealing solution as described in relevant Rating Standard.

The DUCT programme does not cover other types of ventilation ductwork elements like flexible ducts, double-wall ductwork or ductwork made of insulation ductboards.

Certify-all principle

Whenever a company participates in one of the air duct sub-programmes, all ranges that are promoted by the applicant/participant to end-users, specifiers, trading companies, contractors by means of paper or electronic catalogue, price list or software within the scope of the sub-programme, shall be certified. This is done in accordance with the Technical Certification Rules. For each air duct sub-programme, the certify-all requirement is applicable not only to the European market but worldwide also, and is defined in the Certification Manual.

Product type

An air duct is a component designed to distribute air to or from a conditioned space. Also known as ductwork, or ductwork systems, air ducts are conduits (tubes) used to move supply or extract air around a building, as part of heating, ventilation and air conditioning (HVAC) systems. 

Air ducts are used in a wide range of applications, from residential to commercial and industrial. They are most commonly found in ceiling voids, but can also be installed in other building services spaces, hidden behind ceilings, floors or even walls. Ductwork systems are therefore made in a wide range of materials, shapes and sizes. Air ducts and corresponding fittings come in circular, rectangular or semi-circular shapes. Common materials include galvanised steel, aluminium, polypropylene (PP) or polyvinyl chloride (PVC). 

The air duct programme and sub programmes, cover the whole ductwork system, including the assembly of the ducts and all the required fittings. However, it does not include HVAC components such as air handlers, heat recovery units, air terminal devices, and coils. Each ductwork system in the programme features an integrated sealing solution. This means the method of sealing the ductwork is either supplied in each delivery as an integral part of the system or factory installed. 

In the air duct programme, three types of ductwork are certified:

  • Circular, rigid, metallic
  • Rectangular, rigid, metallic
  • Semi-rigid, non-metallic.


While exploring our certified products you’ll come across a number of technical terms relating to certification. The below definitions help explain the search criteria in our certified product directory.

Certified product types in the air duct programme have some but not all the following search criteria in common:

Brand name of the manufacturer.

Listing of models with some common features.

Model name.

Is the geometry (shape) of the duct. Options include circular, rectangular and semi-circular.

Air tightness class
The air tightness class is rated from A to D. D offers the highest air tightness rating and A the lowest.

Mechanical connection
Is the type of connection used to mechanically fasten the duct and fittings in the ductwork system.

Main material
Is the main type of material used in the duct or fitting.

Option 1 material / option 2 material / option 3 material
Covers any additional materials the range is available in (if applicable).

Type of element
Is the type of duct or fitting.

Element description
Gives further information describing the duct or fitting.

Transverse joint of end 1 / transverse joint of end 2 / transverse joint of end 3
Is the sealing connection of two duct or fitting elements at joint end 1, (or 2 and 3 as applicable), oriented perpendicular to the air flow. 

Static gauge pressure limit Negative
Is the maximum design operating pressure for the ductwork according to its air tightness class, under negative pressure. Measured in Pa.

Static gauge pressure Positive
Is the maximum design operating pressure for the ductwork according to its air tightness class, under positive pressure. Measured in Pa.

Longitudinal seam
Is the sealing connection of the joint oriented in the direction of the airflow.

Internal cross-section Minimum
Is the minimum internal cross-section size. Measured in m2.

Internal cross-section Maximim
Is the maximum internal cross-section size. Measured in m2.

Nominal diameter Minimum
In circular ductwork systems it is the minimum nominal diameter, as defined in EN 1506:2007. Measured in mm.

Nominal diameter Maximum
In circular ductwork systems it is the maximum nominal diameter, as defined in EN 1506:2007. Measured in mm.

Nominal side length Minimum
In rectangular ductwork systems, it is the minimum nominal side length of sides a and b, as defined in EN 1505:1998. Measured in mm.

Nominal side length Maximum
In rectangular ductwork systems, it is the maximum nominal side length of sides a and b, as defined in EN 1505:1998. Measured in mm.

Standard length (straight duct only)
In rectangular ductwork systems, it is the standard length of straight duct.

Service temperature Minimum
The lowest temperature at which the ducts and fittings, when installed, continue to function within specified limits of performance. Expressed in oC.

Service temperature Maximum
The highest temperature at which the ducts and fittings, when installed, continue to function within specified limits of performance. Expressed in oC.

Resistance to external pressure
The resistance to external pressure value is given as the force F, which is the maximum allowed force received to reach a duct height deformation of 3%. 

Hydraulic diameter min
Is the minimum diameter of semi-circular ductwork.

Hydraulic diameter max
Is the maximum diameter of semi-circular ductwork.

Search for certified products in our Air Duct programme via our certified product directory.

Certified performance items and associated tolerances

When tested by the independent laboratory personnel, the obtained results shall not differ from the claimed values. The tolerances with respect to the declared ratings are the following:

Air tightness class (all): as claimed or better
Positive and negative pressure limits (all): as claimed (no tolerance)
Dimensions (DUCT-MC): as per EN 1506:2007
Dimensions (DUCT-MR): as per EN 1505:1998
Maximum service temperature (DUCT-P): as claimed (no tolerance)
Minimum service temperature (DUCT-P): as claimed (no tolerance)
Resistance to external pressure (DUCT-P): ±10%

Search for certified products in our Air Duct programme via our certified product directory

Find out how to apply for the Air Duct programme

💡 Good to know

Note that when using the Advanced Search Criteria function you can search all metallic ductwork systems via air tightness class and main material. In circular, rigid, metallic ductwork systems you can also search via minimum nominal diameter and maximum nominal diameter. In rectangular, rigid, metallic ductwork systems you can also search via maximum nominal side length.

In semi-rigid, non-metallic ductwork systems you can search via air tightness class, minimum hydraulic diameter and maximum hydraulic diameter. 


Search for certified products in our Air Duct programme