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Systèmes à débit de réfrigérant variable

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Modèle Standard Cooling/Cooling PL Cond A Standard Heating Seasonal Efficiency In Cooling Cooling PL Cond B Cooling PL Cond C Cooling PL Cond D Seasonal Coefficient Of Performance Heating PL Cond A Heating PL Cond B Heating PL Cond C Heating PL Cond D Heating PL Cond E TOL Heating PL Cond F Tbivalent Psbc Poffc Ptoc Pckc Psbh Poffh Ptoh Pckh Seasonnal Coefficient Of Performance Colder Climate Heating PL Cond G Colder Heating PL Cond E TOL Colder Heating PL Cond F Tbivalent Colder Seasonnal Coefficient Of Performance Warmer Climate Heating PL Cond E TOL Warmer Heating PL Cond F TBivalent Warmer Acoustic In Cooling Acoustics In Heating LRcontmin In Cooling LRcontmin In Heating General Degradation Coefficient Eligible CEE
Pc kW Pec kW EER Ph kW Peh kW COP Pdesignc kW SEER ηsc % Qce kWh/annum Pc PL CondB kW EER PL CondB Pc PL CondC kW EER PL CondC Pc PL CondD kW EER PL CondD Pdesignh kW SCOP Qhe kWh/annum ηsh % Ph PL CondA kW COP PL CondA Ph PL CondB kW COP PL CondB Ph PL CondC kW COPC Ph PL CondD kW COP PL CondD TOL °C Ph PL CondE TOL kW COP PL CondE TOL Tbiv °C COP PL CondF Tbiv Psbc W Poffc W Ptoc W Pckc W Psbh W Poffh W Ptoh W Pckh W SCOP C Ph PL CondG C kW COP PL CondG C TOL C Ph PL CondE TOL C kW COP PL CondE TOL C Tbiv C °C COP PL CondF Tbiv C SCOP W Ph PL CondE TOL W kW COP PL CondE TOL W Tbiv W °C Ph PL CondF Tbiv W kW LwO env dB(A) LwI1 env dB(A) LwO duct dB(A) LwI2 env dB(A) LwI1 duct dB(A) LwI2 duct dB(A) LwO env in heating dB(A) LwO duct in heating dB(A) LwI2 env in heating dB(A) LwI1 duct in heating dB(A) LwI2 duct in heating dB(A) LwI1 env in heating dB(A) CcpLRcontminc LRcontminc CcpLRcontminh LRcontminh IU Names Main Power Supply Mounting Refrigerant Cd Eligible CEE Pays de l'usine Nom du logiciel Version du logiciel Ville de l'usine