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مساعدة تصدير CSV PPRتنزيل تصدير كافة البيانات
تم اختيار عدد كبير من PPR! من أجل الحصول على جميع البيانات الخاصة بهذا البرنامج ، ننصحك باستخدام خيار "تصدير كل البيانات" بدلاً من ذلك
أنيق - مرتب
نموذج Acoustics A35/W12-7 SEER AC A7/W40-45 A35/W23-18 SEER CF A7/W30-35 A2/W30-35 Am7/W30-35 A2/W40-45 Am7/W40-45 A7/W47-55 A2/W47-55 Am7/W47-55 A7/W55-65 A2/W55-65 Am7/W55-65 LrcontminC LRcontminh Psbc Psbh Poffc Poffh Ptoc Ptoh Pckc Pckh SCOP Average W35 Sound Average W35 SCOP Average W45 Sound Average W45 SCOP Average W55 Sound Average W55 SCOP Average W65 Sound Average W65 SCOP Colder W35 SCOP Colder W45 SCOP Colder W55 SCOP Colder W65 SCOP Warmer W35 SCOP Warmer W45 SCOP Warmer W55 SCOP Warmer W65 SEPR HT A35/Wm2-m8 SEPR MT A35/Wm19-m25 SEPR LT IS 16590 - ISEER IS 16590 Part Load A (100%) IS 16590 Part Load B (75%) IS 16590 Part Load C (50%) IS 16590 Part Load D (25%) General Compressor Details
LwO dB(A) LwDuct dB(A) Pc kW Pec kW EER Dpc Indoor kPa Apc Indoor kPa SEER ηsc % Peh kW Dph Indoor kPa Aph Indoor kPa Ph kW COP Pc kW Pec kW EER Dpc Indoor kPa Apc Indoor kPa SEER ηsc % Ph kW Peh kW COP Dph Indoor kPa Aph Indoor kPa Ph kW Peh kW COP Dph Indoor kPa Aph Indoor kPa Ph kW Peh kW COP Dph Indoor kPa Aph Indoor kPa Ph kW Peh kW COP Dph Indoor kPa Aph Indoor kPa Ph kW Peh kW COP Dph Indoor kPa Aph Indoor kPa Ph kW Peh kW COP Dph Indoor kPa Aph Indoor kPa Aph Indoor kPa COP Dph Indoor kPa Peh kW Ph kW Ph kW Peh kW COP Dph Indoor kPa Aph Indoor kPa Ph kW Peh kW COP Dph Indoor kPa Aph Indoor kPa Ph kW Peh kW COP Dph Indoor kPa Aph Indoor kPa Ph kW Peh kW COP Dph Indoor kPa Aph Indoor kPa LRcontminc Ccp (LRcontminc) LRcontminh Ccp (LRcontminh) Psbc W Psbh W Poffc W Poffh W Ptoc W Ptoh W Pckc W Pckh W Pdesignh kW SCOP ηsh % LwO dB(A) LwDuct dB(A) Pdesignh kW SCOP ηsh % LwDuct dB(A) LwO dB(A) Pdesignh kW SCOP ηsh % LwO dB(A) LwDuct dB(A) Pdesignh kW SCOP ηsh % LwO dB(A) LwDuct dB(A) Pdesignh kW SCOP ηsh % Pdesignh kW SCOP ηsh % Pdesignh kW SCOP ηsh % Pdesignh kW SCOP ηsh % Pdesignh kW SCOP ηsh % Pdesignh kW SCOP ηsh % Pdesignh kW SCOP ηsh % Pdesignh kW SCOP ηsh % SEPR Pc kW Pec kW EER Dpc Indoor kPa Apc Indoor kPa SEPR Pc kW Pec kW EER Dpc Indoor kPa Apc Indoor kPa SEPR ISEER Pc kW COP Pc kW COP Pc kW COP Pc kW COP Type of Water Regulat... Refrigerant Control of Pump Speed... Outdoor Heat Exc. Typ... Outdoor Heat Exc. Dim... Indoor Heat Exc. Type Indoor Heat Exc. Dime... Expansion Valve Type Main Power Supply ESP (Duct) Pa Motor Type Inverter Number Unit Capacity Control Type بلد المصنع اسم البرنامج إصدار البرنامج مدينة المصنع