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Air cooled, reversible
Flow Logic IV
Diploma nb.
Model | Standard Cooling/Cooling PL Cond A | Standard Heating | Seasonal Efficiency In Cooling | Cooling PL Cond B | Cooling PL Cond C | Cooling PL Cond D | Seasonal Coefficient Of Performance | Heating PL Cond A | Heating PL Cond B | Heating PL Cond C | Heating PL Cond D | Heating PL Cond E TOL | Heating PL Cond F Tbivalent | Psbc | Poffc | Ptoc | Pckc | Psbh | Poffh | Ptoh | Pckh | Seasonnal Coefficient Of Performance Colder Climate | Heating PL Cond G Colder | Heating PL Cond E TOL Colder | Heating PL Cond F Tbivalent Colder | Seasonnal Coefficient Of Performance Warmer Climate | Heating PL Cond E TOL Warmer | Heating PL Cond F TBivalent Warmer | Acoustic In Cooling | Acoustics In Heating | LRcontmin In Cooling | LRcontmin In Heating | General | Degradation Coefficient | Eligible CEE | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Pc kW | Pec kW | EER | Ph kW | Peh kW | COP | Pdesignc kW | SEER | ηsc % | Qce kWh/annum | Pc PL CondB kW | EER PL CondB | Pc PL CondC kW | EER PL CondC | Pc PL CondD kW | EER PL CondD | Pdesignh kW | SCOP | Qhe kWh/annum | ηsh % | Ph PL CondA kW | COP PL CondA | Ph PL CondB kW | COP PL CondB | Ph PL CondC kW | COPC | Ph PL CondD kW | COP PL CondD | TOL °C | Ph PL CondE TOL kW | COP PL CondE TOL | Tbiv °C | COP PL CondF Tbiv | Psbc W | Poffc W | Ptoc W | Pckc W | Psbh W | Poffh W | Ptoh W | Pckh W | SCOP C | Ph PL CondG C kW | COP PL CondG C | TOL C | Ph PL CondE TOL C kW | COP PL CondE TOL C | Tbiv C °C | COP PL CondF Tbiv C | SCOP W | Ph PL CondE TOL W kW | COP PL CondE TOL W | Tbiv W °C | Ph PL CondF Tbiv W kW | LwO env dB(A) | LwI1 env dB(A) | LwO duct dB(A) | LwI2 env dB(A) | LwI1 duct dB(A) | LwI2 duct dB(A) | LwO env in heating dB(A) | LwO duct in heating dB(A) | LwI2 env in heating dB(A) | LwI1 duct in heating dB(A) | LwI2 duct in heating dB(A) | LwI1 env in heating dB(A) | CcpLRcontminc | LRcontminc | CcpLRcontminh | LRcontminh | IU Names | Main Power Supply | Mounting | Refrigerant | Cd | Eligible CEE | Factory country | Software name | Software version | Factory city |