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Luftqualität in Innenräumen und Energieeffizienz

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Modell General Average Climate Cold Climate Warm Climate
Detailed description ... Dwelling size range Ventilation ductwork Air inlet on supply s... Air terminal device o... Supply Fan Control No.1 Localisation of contr... Control No.2 Localisation of contr... Control No.3 Localisation of contr... Control No.4 Localisation of contr... Control No.5 Localisation of contr... Variant IFOR ICO2 IH2O Global IAQ grade Fan electric consumpt... kWh/annum Heat loss induced by ... kWh/annum IFOR ICO2 IH2O Global IAQ grade Fan electric consumpt... kWh/annum Heat loss induced by ... kWh/annum IFOR ICO2 IH2O Global IAQ grade Fan electric consumpt... kWh/annum Heat loss induced by ... kWh/annum Software-Name Software-Version Fabrikstadt Fabrik-Land